We’re committed to creating a brighter future for each and every child on our curriculum.
It’s their successes and growth that motivates us and we love being able to share
their stories with the rest of the Bridges community.

See how our curriculum helped Jay flourish at school and grow into the resilient, happy,
young person he is today.


Like many children with autism, Jay’s struggle with social skills and understanding made his life and future seem daunting and difficult. To help their son, Jay’s parents began using the Bridges social curriculum with him when he was 8 years old and continued lessons until he was 13. Despite being tough to sell ideas to, Jay responded well to the Bridges curriculum which has helped him socially and make close friends. Jay’s mum remembers last year, when he came home after school with 2 schoolmates.

“I was really happy. It was the first time he invited schoolmates
over to our place.”

Now, when there are small gatherings among classmates or schoolmates, Jay is
willing to go. He is even keen to have meals or movies with his classmates after common tests or exams.


Our lessons have also helped Jay take on tough challenges at school and thrive in social environments.

At the end of last year, Jay took the initiative to apply to be a leader in the school’s Overseas Education Programme. He passed the interview by a panel of teachers and students is now a leader in the programme.

This leadership role helped Jay grow his confidence and this year, he went on an overseas trip with this programme alongside a group of younger students from his school. He had to work with another peer leader to guide the juniors during the trip and even had to give a speech to the students and teachers hosting them overseas.


Alongside his new social skills and confidence to take on leaderships roles, Jay began
to believe in himself and take on new responsibilities.

“Jay also learned the importance of feeling good about himself.”
– Jay’s mum

This positivity and self-belief, paired with improved social skills and understanding,
motivated Jay to run for a place in the Executive Committee of another co-curriculum
activity (CCA). A stand out moment for Jay’s mum was when he gave a speech on how
he can contribute and make the club better to all his club members and the 4 teachers
in charge. His bravery paid off and Jay is now in the Executive Committee and runs a
branch of the club.


Throughout his lessons with Bridges, Jay has learned how to handle confrontation and stand up for himself pragmatically.

Last year, Jay and his CCA team mates were deprived of a chance to take part in an overseas competition, despite being the top team in the internal selection competition. Feeling empowered, Jay and his team wrote an assertive letter standing up for themselves and stating the flaws of the selection criteria. They emailed this letter to all the teachers in charge of the club, and as a result, this year’s selection criteria were much clearer and transparent.

A few months ago, Jay’s team was ranked top in the competition selection and now, his team is one of the 3 to go overseas for the competition at the end of this year.

“Your curriculum has given Jay the knowledge that he needs to help him deal with these types of situations. If he hadn’t gone through the various modules over the years, he probably wouldn’t know that he could write an assertive letter to his teachers.” – Jay’s mum.


“Your curriculum has made a lot difference in Jay. No doubt, he still reads
situations wrongly at times, but he has challenged himself and done things
that I didn’t expect him to do. I hadn’t expected him to go for leadership
roles in school, to stand up for himself and express his opinions in an
assertive manner to his teachers, or to welcome and enjoy
social gatherings.

I am truly thankful that we were able to learn so much and get so
much help and assurance from you when we needed to. Both of your
professionalism, knowledge, warmth, empathy and kindness were
truly appreciated.

Both of you have really helped me feel a little more assured, a little less
lost and a little more comfortable in raising Jay.”
– Jay’s mum

This is why we created Bridges, to make a real difference in the lives of children with
autism. Sign up to our free trial today and let us support you in teaching your
child the social skills they need to thrive at home, at school and in the future.