Like all their peers, autistic children spend years learning a subject that is vital for life in the real world: Maths! And years it should be because Maths is complicated.
How about their social learning? It’s complicated too!
Without the ‘road map’ of how social interaction works, the anxiety, confusion and social isolation that may arise can lead to lowered performance in school and sometimes, school refusal.
Weekly lesson plans provide the child with long term learning – supported by social posters, videos, activities and charts, role plays, quizzes and interactive challenges. Concepts are built on one another and repeated in different ways so the learning sticks.
A broad picture is built of how social interactions relate to each other to help the child more easily interpret complex situations.
The content fits the unique way the child thinks and learns. Gained from insights in teaching and listening to able autistic children and their parents over 12 years of curriculum development.
As part of an evidence-based framework, Baseline and Progress Measures are provided for each Learning Module to reflect improvements in the child’s learning.
A process of learning that can be managed at the child’s own pace. Different activities in a Lesson can be applied across more than one session to best fit the child’s learning time in school, clinic or at home.
To ensure children learn social understanding with improved application and permanence of skills, every module:
Checks and reviews information
Encourages buy-in
Uses video modelling*
Increases self-awareness*
Develops perspective-taking
Enables practicing through role-play
Builds context awareness
What changes can you expect to see if you use the Bridges curriculum
with your child? Our research and feedback shows key outcomes include: