Dr Jacqui Ashton-Smith
Education Consultant

Dr Jacqui Ashton-Smith is an Autism Education specialist and a highly regarded Consultant in autism, education provision and development. She has been working in the field of education and autism for over 38 years. Her specialist area is in women and girls on the autism spectrum. She was the former Director of Education Development, The National Autistic Society (UK). Her interest in Bridges is due to her long-held belief that we need to modify our teaching approach to match the learning style of our students; and the Bridges curriculum is specifically designed to meet the learning style of young people on the autism spectrum. She is keen to support further development of the curriculum, in particular for girls and teenagers.
Chris Ong
Chief Technical Officer

As a seasoned software architect and full-stack developer with over 25 years’ experience, Chris has been involved in high-end architecting, designing, and building large-scale enterprise and commercial systems for industries including: banking, stockbroking, mortgage, utilities, and general business applications.
Chris specialises in high-end architecture consulting services, focusing on scalable, performance, interoperability, and extensible design. Currently, Chris is providing technical leadership and helping to develop cloud services and software portfolios across
multiple ventures.
Chris’ vision is to build a world-class platform for Bridges In Social Understanding that will have measurable positive impact to the lives of these
special gifted children.