When you know your child needs help and ‘wait and see’ puts them at risk, our online curriculum enables you to be proactive. Whether you’re a parent, teacher or clinician supporting a child with ASD, through weekly lessons, you can help them develop the social skills needed to thrive at home, at school, and for their future.
Bridges has all the resources you need. Weekly lessons that build your child’s social understanding over time – and in a bite-sized way that fits into busy schedules. In the simple dashboard, measure progress, access lesson plans and engage with learning resources.
Lessons build in complexity as your child develops over the school years. Many young people who have followed the curriculum now have the skills to transfer their social learning to everyday life and feel good about themselves.
Created by clinicians with over 40 years’ autism experience, the curriculum is based on evidence and addresses the way children on the autism spectrum (ASD) think and learn.
Without support to learn social understanding, able children with ASD are left anxious, stressed and at risk of mental health issues. But many aren’t getting the help they need. Our curriculum provides a solution to combat these issues.
– Parent whose 15-year-old son used
Bridges between 8 and 13 years of age
Bridges is designed to be an adult-led learning experience,
and it is used by many clinicians and schools across the world.